We maximize value for our shareholders through value-based management
Category 17th (2023) 16th (2022) 15th (2021) 14th (2020) 13th (2019)
Face value per share (₩) 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000
(Consolidated) Net income1 (₩1 million) 256,250 1,569,023 292,092 -2,172,769 -35,740
(Consolidated)Net income per share2 (₩) 2,808 18,511 3,491 -25,729 -432
Cash dividend yield ratio (₩1 million) - 543,307 195,596 - 264,697
(Consolidated) Cash dividend ratio3 4 (%) - 31.8 67.0 - -
Cash dividend yield ratio
Common Stocks - 6.9 1.1 - 1.9
Preferred Stocks - 6.5 1.9 - 2.6
Cash dividend per share
Common Stocks - 6,356 2,327 - 3,000
Preferred Stocks - 6,406 2,377 - 3,050
  • ※ 1) The consolidated current net income is the consolidated current net income of dominant company owner’s equity.
  • ※ 2) The consolidated current net income is the basic earning per share of the common stock.
  • ※ 3) In the case of the 13th consolidated propensity to cash dividend (%), the dominant company owner’s equity turned out to be the consolidated current net loss, yielding a negative number, hence being omitted.
  • ※ 4) Instead of paying out cash or in-kind dividend for the FY 2023, the company has decided to fully retire 4,919,974 treasury shares, and the total shareholder return rate, including dividends and treasury stock retirement is 310% in 2023
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